
Sitetech provides unique construction supplies and services to our customers. We are constantly adding to our catalogue of building materials and new innovative solutions. K-FORM UPVC Screed Railing provides the construction industry with an economical, efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to steel shuttering.

K-FORM: Winner SED Award for Excellence in Concrete Innovation

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Bolands Quay

Works are progressing well on the Bolands Quay development. The project is about creating a campus in the city. A vibrant new outdoor space where work-time meets leisure-time. Boland’s Quay will provide three new landmark buildings and converted existing buildings comprising approximately 36,851 sq m of office, residential, retail and cultural space.

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Allianz Arena under construction

It’s been months in the planning, but it’s finally here and we’re very proud. Now you can easily browse through our extensive catalogue of products, search on any device and find just what you’re looking for.

SITETECH – Supplying concrete and brickwork accessories to Ireland’s premier construction companies since 2011

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